
Saturday, November 13, 2010


Postulates of Absolutivity Theory

Derievation of Mass-Energy relationship using Absolutivity theory

Kinetic Energy is negative

disintegration due to Acceleration

Mass Energy relationships

Absolute law of Conservation of Energy

Properties of Light

Deriving Newtonian physics from Absolutivity

Deriving Relativity from Absolutivity


1. Two factors determining Astronomical Physics are Absolutivity and Relativity.

2. Absolute velocity (VA) of a body of mass cannot be determined.

3. A body at absolute rest is called as Absolute rest mass.

4. There is no such Absolute rest mass existing.

5. An Absolute rest mass has neither momentum nor energy except the internal energy.

6. Absolute velocity of any body of mass is a constant until there is a change in its state

of energy.

7. Every body in universe tries to be at rest (Zero Absolute velocity or zero energy state).

So that its energy is zero, but it is not allowed to do so by other external forces.


According to relativity theory,

_______ _______ _______

M =Mo/ (1-v2/c2) T=To (1-v2/c2) L=Lo (1-v2/c2) ---- 1

Where Mo,Vo,Lo refers to the frame of reference and v is the relative velocity

From above eq1,

MoTo=MT ---2

This equation can easily be related to Absolutivity by replacing Mo.To by MA.,TA are the mass and time of a body measured in absolute rest mass(frame of reference).

MA.TA=MT ---3

MT(Product of mass and time) measured in any body of mass moving with any absolute velocity is a constant always.

also from eq 1,


MA.TA.LA / MTL=1/ (1-v2/c2) --- 4

Where V is the absolute velocity of the body at that instantaneous period (when there is also a constant and MT is also a constant as proved earlier.

Result :

  1. Consider the body to be the absolute rest mass ie VA=0, then E=MC2-MC2=0.

A body with no absolute velocity and energy is not possible and hence it proves the fourth postulate of Absolutivity Theory ie there is no such Absolute rest mass existing.

  1. The energy of a body moving with the limiting velocity is given by



3. If V>C then E=MC2-MC2 (1-v2/c2) will become E=a+ib form.

This is a complex no. or imaginary no. V>C. Therefore absolute velocity of

a body cannot exceed C.


  1. E=MC2-MC2 (1-v2/c2)

E V2

Kinetic energy V2

but |kinetic energy| 1/V2

  1. Potential energy of a body of mass in space is always a constant.


All objects in space is connected to each other and influenced by each other

by each other by a web of gravitational force. No body in space can move with its own internal energy. It can only move by an external force ie the resultant gravitational pull of bodies around it. Hence kinetic energy of a body is Negative. But Einstein’s relativity contradicts this as KE=C2 (M-M0) is positive M> Mo. According to the Absolutivity kinetic energy of a body is negative -MC2(1-v2/c2).Every body in universe tries to be at rest (zero absolute velocity).So that its energy is zero, but it is not allowed to be at rest by gravitational forces of surrounding bodies. Hence the KE of a body in space is Negative.

Although, a body moving with uniform velocity is at equilibrium, its KE is equal to the negative of the initial energy imparted on it for its motion.

  1. DAV(Disintegration due to Accelerated Velocity)

When a body is accelerated to move with a velocity greater than that of light, the moment it reaches the velocity C it disintegrates in to smaller bodies absorbing the extra energy. This happens in order to avoid energy turning into an imaginary one as calculated by Absolutivity theory.

On continuous acceleration of the disintegrated particles, they again disintegrate in to much smaller particle. When the process is continued the whole mass will be converted into Sub-atomic particles.

(Such sub-atomic particles will vibrate coherently with same phase.)

  1. A Denser & less denser body of same mass moving with same VA has the

same absolute energy. But the former undergoes DAV slowly.


    1. Mass is a Passive form of energy.

B. The initial KE or the KE at zero energy state of a body suppresses its PE and makes the total energy zero. If this KE is (-MC2) counter balanced by external energy then the mass has only its PE and hence converted to energy. We observe that KE of a body is responsible for its state of mass. If KE is increased to 0 the body transforms to energy.

PE is the energy of the body & KE energy is the energy required to keep the body as a mass.

The character to remain as a mass is called Massic character and the character of a body to remain as energy is called Energic character.

Massic character (Mch) 1/velocity

Energic character (Ech) velocity


Neither Mch nor Ech can be Zero ie although at zero energy state

where energy is zero the character to be energy is not equal to zero. This law governs the energy to mass conversion of matter.


According to the Absolutivity, energy can neither be created nor destroyed is not true or rather not precise statement. Energy can be created and destroyed. When you say energy cannot be created how did the energy in the universe come in to existence?

According to absolutivity, the statement for law of conservation of energy is as follows.

  1. Energy can be created and destroyed.

  2. For every creation of energy there is an equal destruction of energy taking place at any part of Universe.

  3. The Total energy (vectorially added) in the universe is a constant and is equal to zero.

  4. If creation and destruction of energy takes place at the same place simultaneously then it is called as TRANSFORMATION of energy.


  1. Light is a highly energetic particle. It can be accepted as Quanta of energy, since no particle is completely a mass or energy light has Massic character too. The dual property of light is explained & proved in Absolutivity.

  1. The velocity of light is’nt the limiting velocity of universe but it is very close to it.



As it is known that Newtonian physics is applicable for velocity of very small magnitude we can apply that boundary condition to derive it from Absolutivity.



Expanding binomially,

E=MC2-MC2 (1-(1/2)(1-v2/c2) …..)

V<<2/C2 is small



Substituting V=C in the equation,





Hence EINSTEIN’s equation is derived.

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